Our world is full of “supermoms”.  I saw them every day in my medical practice.   There is even a Merriam-Webster definition for “supermom”: a woman who raises children and takes care of a home while also having a full time job.  I would argue with that definition leaves out all the supermoms who are raising children as a full-time job; however, I include you!  Women that are the backbone of our society and the “supermom” persona has become a societal norm in the United States.

Are you taking care of your children… getting them up, feeding them, packing lunches, driving to school and events, bathing, supervising homework, etc.?  Do you give “everything” to your kids?

Are you working full-time or part-time to help provide financially for your family?  Are you maybe even the sole provider?  Do you give your all to your job?

Do you take care of your household: do the laundry, cook the meals, and clean the house?

Are you doing it ALL, all of the time?  Tackling your “to do” list as if it is your mission in life?

How is all that working for you…


I felt like superwoman/supermom and I confess what it did for me… led to overwhelm, stress, disconnection, and resentment.  While taking care of everyone else I left one person out… ME!   My life wouldn’t have looked to be out of control to an outsider – quite the opposite – but it was.

By controlling and managing everything I forgot how to truly live.  I was putting out fires instead of enjoying sitting by a fire.

Success by outside measures was there…  successful pediatrician, two healthy children, and a husband I loved BUT without allowing time for me to be ME.

I wasn’t really giving my best to anyone else either.  That is a truth that hurt when I really looked at it – I wasn’t doing my best if I wasn’t at my best no matter how much I TRIED to give to others.

I have spoken to thousands of moms during my career and I know that I was not alone.  Often just acknowledging or joking about the overwhelm in our lives would create connection in the office.  But joking about it wasn’t going to solve their issues or my own.  Life for the modern mom can truly be overwhelming if we let the “should do” list be more important than actually LIVING.

How did I change the direction of overwhelm and certain burnout to one of excitement and joy?

First, I enrolled in a peaceful parenting coaching training program.  I didn’t enroll in this program for myself as much as to learn techniques to be able to help my patients.  It isn’t that I didn’t know that the interactions in my house with all too often yelling and crying (kids and me) couldn’t be better, I just wasn’t in the habit of looking to help myself at that time.

In this training process I was blessed with my own coach.  She helped me recognize that I really wanted to change my life and then gave me the tools to do that.  I have the ability to create the life I truly desire (and so do you!).

Before, I was tired…

–         So a toddler’s resistance to bedtime after my repeated requests to put on pajamas would honestly feel insurmountable.

I was stressed…

–         So time outs for my children would be given when at times when the one who really needed a time out was me!  I felt in my heart that the “timeouts” that I had been recommending to patients as peaceful ways to get my children to do what I wanted were anything but peaceful.  We will talk about “getting my children to do what I wanted” and control in general at another time :)

I was rushed…

–         I didn’t feel I had the time to engage in childhood silliness in the morning.  There were things “to do”.  My kids didn’t understand time (being 3 and 4 at the time) and didn’t share my need to get ready.  By the time I left for work…

I was stressed!

My coach helped me…

–         see the unconscious patterns and habits in my life that were working against me

–         recognize limiting beliefs that were clouding my actions and CHANGE those beliefs

–         learn how to have empowered conversations and ask for help when I needed it

–         come up with techniques for dealing with struggles that came up with my children

My life changed!

My family changed!

All because I changed!

I am blessed to have learned these techniques and I want to share them with the world.

Supermom, I promise you we are MORE POWERFUL when we are at peace.

The idea of EPIC Parenting was born during this time and now I have dedicated my career to helping change the way us “superwomen” moms live, love, and parent so that we can truly have the connection, relationships, and lives that we want.

It is not about creating a life that “looks good”.

It isn’t a cookie cutter plan for creating the “perfect family”.  Things get messy sometimes.  I’m learning to embrace that!

It is about learning to create the peace, connection, space and family that YOU desire and deserve!

Thank you for joining me on this journey!

The time for EPIC Parenting Coaching and Consulting is NOW.  I have created the time to really dedicate myself to this calling as a full-time career and I wish to be of service to each and every one of you.

It is YOUR time too…

We can be super MOMS and super WOMEN, working and caring for our families, without feeling overwhelmed and alone.

Let’s change the definition of “supermom” to empowered, balanced, happy, joyful mother.

Together we can create a better world, for ourselves and for our children.


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